reede, 16. jaanuar 2015

Phrasal Verbs Spidergram

My Thoughts About Turkle's Video

Turkle's video didn't really provoke many thoughts inside my head, since I'd already seen many videos regarding that topic ant given it quite a bit of thought beforehand. I must say I definently agree with the point made, since I feel my generation has indeed become too technology-centric. I completely understand that techonology keeps developing at an increasingly faster rate, but young people shouldn't become so engrossed in it that they forget their "real" life, so to speak. Techonology is there to help and assist us, not to overtake the all the unique social experiences we can only gain without using it. Face-to-face communication and everything of that sort is a lot more valuable and enjoyable than mobile communication, that I believe to be kind of 'fake', since it's nowhere near asauthentic and sincere as live chatting, etc. Therefore, I think people should use their smartphones, they definently should, but only to the point where it doesn't start slowly eating away their actual lives.

My Own Story

I fell asleep. Everything was pitch black. I couldn't hear or see anything. And suddenly, there I was - standing in the middle of an empty hallway inside something that appeared to be a school in ruins. The walls were heavily damaged and the windows were all broken. All the class doors were open, but somehow everything inside the classroms was left intact. Not just intact - all the chairs, desks and books in the bookshelves were in perfect shape. The desks and chairs were polished and clean, all the lamps were lit and there wasn't a single inch of dust on the books.

But that wasn't all that was so bizarre about that school. Perhaps the most amusing thing was the fact that it was winter, yet despite the broken windows, the heavily walls and the feeling that no one had used any heating in that building since 1967 or so, the school was still really, really warm. And not just the air inside, no - the walls were almost too damn hot to even touch and my feet were already sweating from the heat of the floor.

When I went downstairs, I saw something even weirder than what I had already experienced. At least a dozen naked old professors were sitting on white lions, aiming their bows at me. And as I opened my mouth, they all shot their arrows towards my bewildered face.

And then I woke up. It had been the most surprising thing that had ever happened to me, and probably ever will.

BNC Sentences

Mr Chan simply looked bewildered.
Härra Chan paistas lihtsalt olevat lihtsalt hämmingus.

When he passed the entry that led to the bathrooms and toilets, he became more circumspect.
Kui ta möödus vannitubadesse ja tualettidesse viivast sissekäigust, muutus ta ettevaatlikumaks.

Disorientated for a frightening moment, he panicked, thinking it was a shark.
Olles hirmutavaks hetkeks ebakindel, sattus ta paanikasse, mõeldes, et tegu on haiga.

Court told of suicide threat by distraught husband.
Kohus rääkis arulageda abikaasa enesetapuähvardusest.

But he was never overawed by the sheer scale of the task he undertook.
Ent teda ei hämmastanud kunagi ette võetud ülesande ulatus tohutult.

The bloodhound's nose may be so overwhelmed by the scent of fresh skin cells that it is unable to follow them.
Verekoera nina võib olla värskete naharakkude lõhna poolt niivõrd lummatud., et ta ei ole võimeline neid jälitama.

He was clearly preoccupied but Miss Huntley was not willing to let him go.
Ta oli ilmselgelt haaratud, ent Miss Huntley ei olnud nõus tal minna laskma.

He was invariably polite to her: something that at first made her uneasy.
Ta oli tema vastu alati viisakas: miski, mis teda esialgu ebakindlaks tegi.

It was so sudden, so complete, that it unnerved him.
See oli nii järsk, nii terviklik, et see muutis ta närviliseks.

The process continues until all but one of the parties involved has withdrawn.
Protsess jätkub, kuni kõik peale ühe seotud osapoole on loobunud.