reede, 16. jaanuar 2015
My Thoughts About Turkle's Video
Turkle's video didn't really provoke many thoughts inside my head, since I'd already seen many videos regarding that topic ant given it quite a bit of thought beforehand. I must say I definently agree with the point made, since I feel my generation has indeed become too technology-centric. I completely understand that techonology keeps developing at an increasingly faster rate, but young people shouldn't become so engrossed in it that they forget their "real" life, so to speak. Techonology is there to help and assist us, not to overtake the all the unique social experiences we can only gain without using it. Face-to-face communication and everything of that sort is a lot more valuable and enjoyable than mobile communication, that I believe to be kind of 'fake', since it's nowhere near asauthentic and sincere as live chatting, etc. Therefore, I think people should use their smartphones, they definently should, but only to the point where it doesn't start slowly eating away their actual lives.
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